
The xtp_job_control library contains a set of predifined workflows that workout of the box. But a user may also need further capabilities over the xtp functionality, for those cases the xtp_job_control allows a user to extend or create some missing functionality that can be integrated with the predefined workflows.

Available Workflows

The following family of workflows are defined in xtp_job_control:


The dftgwbse workflow performs either a point energy calculation (see energy input example) or geometry optimization (see optimization input example) using the GW-BSE method, check the GW-BSE entry of the manual for furtner information.


The transport workflow contains several steps to compute charge transport networks, using a combined coarse-grained and stochastic approach (see input transport example). For further reading, see secion 2.10 of the manual.


The kmc worklow performs a hopping simulation of charge carriers using a kinetic Monte Carlo approach (see input kmc example). For further information, see Chapter 2 of the manual.

Running a workflow

A workflow is run by executing the following command in the terminal:

run_xtp_workflow.py --input tests/DFT_GWBSE/dftgwbse_CH4/input_dft_gwbse_CH4.yml

Where run_xtp_workflow.py is the python script that read, process and run the workflow; and the input is a file in yaml format.

After the command finishes it returns another yaml file called result_<workflow>_<time-stamp>.yml containing a summary of the workflow results and a file called xtp.log with the standard output and error returned by the Votca-XTP calculators.

How it works

First, the library scan the input and checks its validity (using a set of predifined schemas), then a dependency graph_ is built between the different jobs involved in the workflow. This graph allows to run in parallel those jobs that do not dependent on each other, while creating explicit dependencies between jobs that need to run in a sequential mode, injecting the ouput of one job as input of the next one. Finally, the jobs are running in different folders while the dependecies between them are automatically track.

Both the construction and execution of the dependency graph is carried out by the Noodles library. When the run_xtp_workflow.py command is invoked, Noodles traverses the graph of job dependencies and checks against its internal database for a reference to the job results, if such reference does not exist the job is executed and the resulting output metainformation is stored in the database.

If the execution of the workflow is stopped by the user or fails for technical reasons, the generated database with metadata can be used to restart the workflows. _Noodles will walk through the dependencies tree in the same way as when started from scratch, but will query the database for already existing results and execute only the tasks that were not yet successfully completed.

Votca calculators options

The arguments and default values for running simulations with Votca-XTP are define in different xml files, leaving at the VOTCASHARE folder. When an XTP command is invoked, Votca-XTP reads from these xml files the available values. Since, xml files can have nested xml files it is a non-trivial task to setup correctly the simulation values for a given simulation.

In order to improved the aforemention situation, the xtp_job_control library allows the users to create a section called votca_calculators_options in the input file. Every subsection on it, corresponds to an xml file and subsequently subsections are values that the user wish to change. For example, see the next snippet taken from the input example for a single point energy calculation: .. code-block:: yaml

threads: 1

It saids that in the dftgwbse xml option file, the argument dftpackage must be set equal to xtpdft.xml. While in the xtpdft xml option file, the number of threads should be set to 1.

How it works

Before the jobs are executed, all the Option files in the VOTCASHARE folder are copy to a temporary folder. These temporary files are combined with votca_calculators_options provided by the users, generating a new set of files containing the options to call the Votca-XTP functionality.